Bench of solace and solitude
Featured and selected by jurors for the national juried exhibition at the view" gallery for the National exhibtion November 2022 exhibition at Jones Gallery ,Kansas MO . Also selected and featured in HMVC Gallery, NY Artistonish Contemporary Art Magazine and, The October 2022 Helvetart Geneva ,Switzerland International Exhibition
Selected by Jurors for The National Gallery Exhibition, ''Reflections Now and Then'', and exhibited at Edge Water Gallery Mendocino County Area , CA Selected by Jurors for the International Gallery exhibition, Coming soon To Gstaad Switzerland.
Roots Within this Soil
Roots within this soil Recieved the Honorable mention Award by jurors and featured in the December 2022 International Juried exhibition ,Helvetart December 2022 exhibition, located in Geneva, Switzerland .Roots within this soil was also Featured in Las Lagunas, ''Outstanding'', Exhibition.
Selected by Artist and Juor Sandy Gellis at ,The View Arts and Culture Gallery. In The National Gallery juried exhibition ''Ripple and Roar '' Also Featured in Vernum Ultiumum's Gallery Exhibition,''Abrazo '' Portand,Oregon . As well as Athens Arts galleryIndianapolis, Indiana for the exhibtion,Untitled 23 Till the end of November 2023.
Epainting and Mixed media
Blend of Photography and hand painted E painting
Exhibited and selected by Jurors for the National Gallery exhibition, Elements of Design, Surprise Arizona.
Mixed Media ,E painting Blend of Photography and hand painted E painting ''Requiem Of Flowers '' accepted by jurors at the San Diego Museum of Art Artist Guild San Diego ,California
SDMAAG Spring Exhibition 2024
Annual National Juried Exhibition Spring Exhibition 2024
Also exhibited at Stamford Arts Gallery, Stamford Connecticut National Exhibition, BLACK, WHITE AND SHADES OF GRAY ''Requiem Of Flowers 'also recieved the Gold awarr by the jurors for the May 2024 Exhibition, Invitational #9 Juried exhibition, Scottsdale Arizona, Camel Back Gallery
Hand painting E Painting
Navajo Nights Indigo Dreams Was accepted By reknown Jurors for the National Gallery Exhibition ,Variations 2023 Anual juried Exhibition .At The Prestigious Gallery, Marble Head Arts Association Gallery ,Marble Head ,MA
Featured and selected by jurors for the NOOA Photography Embracae your Colors and Diversity National juried exhibition gallery exhibition Partned with Mosiacs Arts Gallery & Parc A at Tyson Gallery Fair Fax and Tyson Virginia June 1, 2024- July 31,2024
Also Embrace Your Colors, Mosaic Arts Gallery
Mosaic Arts District area
Fairfax ,Virginia
The National Gallery exhibition Opens 11.18.23, November - December
Previously selected and featured in "Flower Power "at CORE Art Gallery Denver,Colorado Also selected by jurors for the National Gallery Exhibition,''Flowers Roots,plants Trees, ''The Wild World of Plants ,at The View Arts and Culture Gallery, New York
The Annual Exhibition At Talll , Grass Arts Association Gallery Illinois Local& National Exhibitiom Kaliedoscope 8. 2024- 9. 2024
Featured and selected by Jurors at The MVA Gallery,PA for the National Gallery Exhibition ,Wind water, fire ,Earth November 2022 National Exhibition. Selected and featured at The Jones Gallery November group show National Exhibitiom, Kansas City MO.
Hand painting E Painting Accepted by jurors at the San Diego Museum of Art Artist Guild San Diego ,California
SDMAAG Spring Exhibition 2024
Annual National Juried Exhibition Spring Exhibition 2024
Selected By Jurors and exhibited in the National juried gallery exhibition ''Embrace Your Colors, Mosaic Arts Gallery
Mosaic Arts District area
Fairfax ,Virginia
Opens 11.18.23, November - December
The National Gallery exhibition
for The National Exhibition ''Reflections'', Edge Water Gallery, Mendocino California .
Exhbited and Selected By Juror at HMVC Gallery and shown in Time Square in The International Exhibition ,''2023''
Third Place winner in June International Exhibition Abstract located in Geneva Switzerland .Aztec Lucid Dreams Was selected By the reknown juror for the National Gallery exhibition,''COLOR'', at The Brookyln Waterfront Artist Coalition Galley ,Brookln New York
In the Darkness of the Sun
Selected by jurors for Sasse Museum Of art Art off the word
Museum Catalouge ,Pomona ,
California. Also Selected by jurors fo the National exhibition at Kavanaugh Gallery ,St.Charles Illinois. Additionally exhibited and selected by jurors for the National Gallery Exhibtion ''Open Theme 23 ,''Annual national exhibition, Webster Arts Gallery,S.t Louis, MO
Awarded 3rd place in the annual Contemprary art Gallery's, ''All Landscapes 2022'', International Juried exhibition and competition Featured and selected by jurors for the national juried exhibition gallery exhibtion, "Flowers,Roots Plants andTrees,'' The Wild World of Plants. Also Featured and selected in the Artist's Solo Exhibition, ''The Vibrance of Nature'' , Vancouver Canada.
Sunflower Fields
"May you find the strength , courage ,and to rise above stand united together in love and in peace. Just as the sunflowers That profoundly shine their courage , strength, resilience, and beauty That is felt from within my photograph "The Sunflower Fields.'' -Nicole Martinelli
Floral Corridors THRIVE The Colors That You Shine Selected for The National Gallery Exhibition ,Flower Fractals at OWG Gallery, ABQ , New Mexico.
Selected by Jurors and Exhibited At Vestige Gallery in the National Exhibition, ''In your Wildest Dreams Exhibition at Vestige Gallery,Pittsburgh Pa.
Nicole Martinelli is an international award winning artist and photographer that has been featured in prominent galleries throughout the United States and Europe.'' There is always an ocean and stream to catch your tears and a sunset to brighten your life. ''-Artist, Photographer- Nicole Martinelli
All Rights Reserved | Nicoles Gallery