Welcome To The Artist & Photographer

Nicole Martinelli's

Gallery Exhibition and Award Page

Explore the Artist's Gallery Exhibition Details, Including Gallery Exhibition Titles, Jurors,

Exhibition Dates, and more.

The Artist Nicole Martinelli

Gallery Exhibitions and Award

 Artist Nicole Martinelli


Gallery Exhibitions

Stats Page


Gallery Exhibitions

Featuring Artist, Photographer Nicole Martinelli


 Coming soon To a Gallery Near You

Artifact Project Solo Exhibition

Manhattan, New York

 Coming soon

 International Gallery Exhibition

Showing At A Gallery Near You

 The Artist is extremely honored deeply grateful and thrilled to announce her work

Has been accepted by the incredible jurors For the Gallery exhibition At The prestigious and Luxurious

Rougemont Hotel & SPA 

located in the stunning picturesque

Gstaad, Switzerland

 The Artist Has been accepted by the incredible jurors For the Gallery exhibition At The prestigious and Luxurious

Hotel De Rougemont Hotel & SPA 

Influence Gallery

located in the stunning beautiful picturesque

Gstaad, Switzerland


6. 6. 2024 

View The Articlefrom the Swiss magazine "Cote Magazine" highlighting the extraordinary exhibition and featuring The artist Nicole Martinelli's work, "Travel The Skies: A Tree's Reflections," alongside a small group of a thoughtfully curated selection of the 40 exhibited artists in the extraordinary exhibition, featured in this exclusive magazine article!

The Artist's Photograph is now on display at Hotel DeRougemont in Gstaad, Switzerland!

Don’t miss this the opportunity to view the stunning 5-month International gallery exhibition!

To read the article featuring the artist's photograph showcased in the exhibition,

 Please click the link provided below:




In the heart of the Swiss mountains


To learn more about Hotel De RougeMont and Spa Visit the link provided Below:

The Exhibition Opening Etivent Ceremony  will be on the Evcning of June 8th, 2024 from 5.00 pm

Held At The Enchanting Gorgeous HOTEL DE ROUGEMONT AND SPA

The opening ceremony  is an invitation only event for artists, collectors, press and other invited guests 

dress code: business casual ,and cocktail attire.

The exhibition will be open for 5 months to public

June 2024 – November 2024

This incredible exhibition can be viewed at  Hôtel de Rougemont & SPA. in Gstaad, Switzerland, through November 2024

Explore the collection of selected talented artists and  artworks that have been picked by the prestigious  jurors that will be displayed at the  stunning and luxurious

 Hôtel de Rougemont & SPA

Gstaad, Switzerland

Influence Gallery

The exhibition will be open for 5 months and it will be open to public (June – November)

The opening is s an invitation only event for artists, collectors, press and other invited guests. Dress code: business casual for cocktail attire.

The exhibition will be open for 5 months and it will be open to public, you can visit it any other day during the exhibition


To discover further details about the exquisite luxury hotel where this incredible exhibition is being held,

Please click on the link provided below.


To view the artist artwork and the accepted artworks selected for this extraordinary exhibition and

The  selected artworks for the Hotel De Rougemont and Spa 5 month exhibition are published on  Their website under the “Exhibition at Hotel de Rougemont” category


To view the Artists Artwork From The Hotel De Rouge Mont Exhibition


Influence Gallery

 is a worldwide Gallery, Art platform for Artists around the world Curated by the Influence Gallery Team, their exhibitions are  handpicked by prestigious jurors and judges from around the world, Their mission is to celebrate, highlight, and connect talented artists worldwide

Providing artist's with opportunities to display exceptional artworks in various physical gallery exhibitions worldwide!

The Artist and Nicoles Gallery. Art Invites you to Explore the breathtaking beauty of Gstaad Switzerland,

Gstaad is one of the most beautiful enchanting and luxurious  resort Desitinations in The world

We Invite you to watch the video clips provided below:





''I am absolutely deeply honored  and incredibly moved to receive this honor and exciting news! 

''A heartfelt thank you to Influence Gallery The jurors and Hotel De Rougemont for truly appreciating and valuing my artworks ,and for inviting me and my artworks for his incredibly beautiful meaningful   exhibition 

Thank you for all your hard work and for showing such kindness and appreciation to myself, and all your artist's!

The opportunity that has greatly enriched my life journey, and my art career!   

My sincerest deepest gratitude and to  both the Jurors of Influence Gallery,  and Hotel de Rougemont

Thank you for my acceptance  it was an extreme honor and pleasure being part of the incredible and meaningful exhibition  '- Nicole Martinelli

Current National Gallery Exhibitions

Gallery Exhibition opened June 1, 2024

Extended Gallery Exhibition now Opened for Viewing through July 2024

The Artist is Honored to announce her four photographs have been accepted by the incredible Gallery Mosaic Arts Gallery for

The National NCOA Photography Award Contest

 Celebrate Your Colors and Creativity

The NCOA Photography Photography Award Contest

 Photography Exhibition

At Parc Gallery

Fairfax ,Virginia

The National NCOA Celebrate Your Colors and Creativity Photography Exhibition

The Exhibition showcases the works of 10 national renowned photographers

 The National NCOA Photography Award Contest photography exhibition will display the top 19 photos, including the People’s Choice award.

The Artist's accepted artworks include four photographs accepted for this beautiful National exhibition.

Natures Colors Collide, Full Spectrum

Travel the skies, a Trees Reflections

A skies Reflection, The sun Will shine for you

The Essence of Life, Water Equals life

Art at The PARC Gallery National NCOA Photography Exhibition



Requiem Of The Flowers

Nostalgic Terrain Floral Daydream

showing At

San Diego Museum Of Art

SDMAAG Spring Exhibition 202 Annual National Juried Exhibition

March 25, 2024 – May 25, 2024



Stay tuned for Additional NEW Exhibitions opening Soon This May 2024

Full Details To be released shortly.

Featuring the Artist's Latest E paintings and Photography

 Thank you for supporting the Arts and Supporting the Artist Here at

Nicole's Gallery. Art

National Gallery Exhibition

Now Showing

 At A Gallery Near You

San Diego Museum of Art Artist Guild

SDMAAG Spring Exhibition 2024

 Annual National Juried Exhibition

Spring Exhibition 2024

San Diego ,California

Begins on March 25, 2024- May 2024,

showing through The entirety of

 Spring of 2024.

SDMAAG Spring Exhibition 2024


Nostalgic Terrain Floral Daydream

Requiem Of the Flowers

'' I am profoundly  honored and touched , and grateful for both the incredible juror and  the prestigious San Diego Art Museum

 for selecting my work to be a part of this extraordinary exhibition.

It is a remarkable privilege an extreme honor to be accepted by the extremely well respected renown juror, Nancy Lim. This has been an incredibly humbling experience.

Thank you for acknowledging and valuing my work, my passion and artistic vision. I am deeply moved and honored by my acceptance! ''- Nicole Martinelli

The artist is deeply honored and humbled to have both of her artworks accepted by the renowned  juror

Associate Curator, San Francisco Museum of Modern Art Nancy Lim to inclusion into the incredible prestigious

SDMAAG Spring Exhibition 2024.

Meet the Juror Nancy Lim,

Nancy Lim, is the Assistant Curator of Painting and Sculpture at SFMOMA, talks about her curatorial practice including a look at recent and forthcoming exhibitions. 
Nancy Lim is assistant curator of painting and sculpture at the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art, where she focuses on postwar and contemporary California art. She is co-curator of the forthcoming exhibitions Mythos, Psyche, Eros: Jess and California (2019) and the 2019 SECA Art Award, as well as a Deborah Remington survey opening at di Rosa Center for Contemporary Art in spring 2020. She also contributed to the retrospectives of Bruce Conner (2016–17) and Vija Celmins (2018–19), and has organized collection exhibitions including Between Two Worlds (2017–18) and Stranger in a Strange Land: Art of California (2018). Prior to SFMOMA, she served as Asian Art Curatorial Fellow at the Guggenheim Museum, and as Curatorial Assistant in the Department of Painting and Sculpture at the Museum of Modern Art, New York.


The artist was graciously accepted for two of her artworks from the 120 artworks  selected out of 655 submissions for inclusion in the exhibition .

The Artist is extremely grateful and honored to be accepted to be a part of this beautiful prestigious exhibition.

To View The entire  SDMAAG Spring 2024 Exhibition Visit


Artistic Achievement


 Camel Back Gallery

Invitational# 9

 International Juried Exhibition

The Artist was Awarded the Gold Award for her latest Hand painted E painting art work ,

Requiem Of The Flowers

Thank you for presenting me with this award! I am honored and grateful for your full appreciation of my work, and my artistic vision!

Thank you Camel Back Gallery!-Nicole Martinelli

To view the Artist Award winning art work in this invitational juried Exhibition Click the Link provide Below:



Gallery exhibitions

Spring 2024

The Artist is honored to be Accepted by Jurors for National Gallery Exhibition
The artist three artworks including both mediums Photography and E paintings were selected  for the juried exhibition

Art of the Flower

National Juried Exhibition

Medford Arts

April 5 ~ May 2, 2024

 Featuring The Artist's three Floral Artworks ,

Nostalgic Floral Day Dream, Fuchsia Fusions from The Earth, Natures Colors Collide

Chosen by the talented Juror Phillip Carrol whom artworks

are represented by The Philadelphia Museum of Art


The Artist is moved and honored to be Accepted by Jurors for The National Juried Gallery Exhibition


Tall Grass Arts Association Gallery

Park forest, Illinois

Located in the state where the artist was raised and began her artistic  passion and her formative early years of her art career

The gallery is located within the Chicago suburbs .

The gallery holds an annual art fair held by the gallery that the artist attended as a child, making it a nostalgic full circle moment for her.


May 17, 2024 through June 22, 2024.


Familiarize yourself with the Tall Grass Arts Association Gallery through past exhibitions hosted by the Tall Grass Arts Gallery.

Explore and discover more about the Beautiful Tall Grass Arts Association Gallery by following the links provided below.



     The Artist is honored to be Accepted by Jurors for National Gallery Exhibition

Stamford Arts Gallery, Stamford Connecticut


May 2024~ June 2024

About Stamford Arts Gallery

Located   In the Beautiful   Stamford, Connecticut

The Gallery holds eight consecutive shows each year, two of which are solo exhibits and six are juried exhibits with prominent jurors from art schools, galleries and institutions in New York and surrounding areas, including the Metropolitan Museum of Art, Whitney Museum, Bruce Museum, and Museum of Modern Art.

Jurors Mike and Sally Harris have a passion for cultural photography, traveling the world to capture unique aspects of daily life. They have explored and photographed places like a cattle auction in Oaxaca, Mexico and a fishing village in Colombia. The couple are members of the Stamford Photography Club and The Ground Glass in Rye, NY, exhibiting in Fairfield County shows.

Mike also published a successful coffee table book titled, "Now You Can Take My Picture."

Thank you to the wonderful jurors for my acceptance and thank you to Stamford Arts Gallery for making this opportunity possible

To view the accepted artworks in this exhibition click the link provided below




Viewers can now enjoy the latest video highlighting and showcasing the Artist's artwork

'' Requiem of the Flowers''

Stamford Arts Gallery, Stamford Connecticut

To view click the link provided below 


''Thank you, Emily Derr, for expressing interest in my work and creating this wonderful review on this significant piece for me.'' - Artist, Nicole Martinelli.





'' Requiem of the Flowers''

To view the Video click the link provided below


 International Gallery Exhibition

6.8.24- 10.31.24

 The Artist is extremely honored deeply grateful and thrilled to announce her photograph

Has been accepted by the incredible jurors For the Gallery exhibition At The prestigious and Luxurious

Rougemont Hotel & SPA 

located in the stunningly beautiful location

Gstaad, Switzerland.

Additional Details To Be Released Soon!

Explore the collection of talented artists and artworks hand-picked by the prestigious jurors that will be displayed at Hôtel de Rougemont & SPA

To view the artworks selected for this extraordinary exhibition that will take place at the beautfiul

Rougemont Hotel & SPA 

Gstaad, Switzerland.

 click the link provided below


Stay tuned for Additional NEW Additional Exhibitions opening This May 2024

Full Details To be released shortly.

Featuring the Artist's Latest E paintings and Photography

 Thank you for supporting the Arts and Supporting the Artist Here at

Nicole's Gallery. Art

Stay tuned here for NEW Photography Gallery Exhibition new coming to the Mosaic arts Virginia area 

Stay tuned for NEW updates on this and upcoming Gallery exhibitions ,and  the latest artworks from the Artist Here at

Nicole's Gallery. Art

We Thank you for your continued support in supporting the Arts, and The Artist Here at

 www.NicolesGallery. Art

The Artist is humbled and honored to be

Accepted by Jurors for The Beautiful National Gallery Exhibition

''Reflections- Now and Then "

Edgewater Gallery

All Through The entirety of February 2024

In Scenic Beautiful Fort Bragg

Mendocino County Area, California

Featuring The following accepted photographs by the jurors 

 A sky's reflection ,The sun will shine for you, The Essence of Life Water equals life

Travel The Sky,  A Tree's Reflections

Meet The Jurors:

Spencer Brewer

For over 30 years, Spencer Brewer has been a leading figure in instrumental music, captivating global audiences with his exceptional piano artistry. As a composer, pianist, and entrepreneur, he continues to inspire listeners with his innovative melodies. With 16 solo albums, he has also produced over 250 recordings and film scores at his Laughing Coyote Studio in Redwood Valley. His music has been featured in popular productions like Home Alone 2, LA Law, Sex & the City, Thirty Something, The Oprah Winfrey Show, The Barbara Walters Show, and has been featured in over 15 years of Olympic World games, NPR, CNN, on countless airlines, as well as in numerous TV programs and movies worldwide. In 2003, he started the Ukiah Music Center and has been restoring, buying, selling, tuning and doing virtually anything with the piano for over 30 years. While donating dozens of private concerts over the years for local non-profit agencies, and businesses throughout the area regionally around promotion, publicity, media relations and events.

  In 2006, he started making sculptures from old parts, inspired by vintage design and engineering..”  he began creating sculptures from vintage objects, drawing inspiration from classic design and engineering.

Nominated for Ukiah’s “Citizen of the Year” award and winner of the Mendocino County Arts Champion Award in 2008, he founded the Ukiah Music Center in 2003,  in 2008 he won the Mendocino County Arts Champion Award.

Ester Segal 

 Esther's art is influenced by her expertise in book art and understanding of human emotions as a psychotherapist, blending elements of horses and Frida Kahlo in her creations. Her art books have won prestigious awards including Eric Hoffer Book Award, Independent Press Award (Gabby Book Awards), Independent Book Publishers Award, and more.

Both Esther & Spencer are a  well recognized  accomplished artistic couple that won the IBPA Award in 2023 for their recent published art book, hit 'Lost and Found: Assemblage Artists of Northern California.

''  I extend my heartfelt thank you and gratitude to the talented jurors and to everyone at Edge Water Gallery that helped make this opportunity possible, thank you for the acceptance of my three photographs. Your full love, and appreciation of my artworks, artistic passion and artistic vision is deeply felt, and appreciated.

 I am both touched and honored , Thank you Edgewater Gallery!'' - Nicole Martinelli.

* The beautiful Gallery exhibition official promotion Photos Featured in this video were created

By The incredible Gallery , Edge Water Gallery.

For further information on the jurors of recent juried exhibitions and a list of the artist's exhibitions, kindly visit the page link provided below.


To view  additional Photographs Captured by the Artist ,Photographer Nicole Martinelli's

Visit her Photography section At the link Provided Below


The Three Artwork's and photographs featured in this video were captured by the Artist Nicole Martinelli.

This video was created and provided by the Artist and us here @

 www.NicolesGallery. Art

 National Gallery Exhibitions

 January   2024

The Artist is both honored and humbled to receive an acceptance for Three of the Artist's hand painted E painting artworks

Aztec Lucid Dreams

A Darker Shade Of Grey , Light on the Horizon

Navajo Nights ,Indigo Dreams

  For The upcoming National Gallery Juried Exhibition

''The Elements of Design''

A National Exhibition Celebrating the 7 elements of design

 Line and Composition, Color Harmony, Texture, Shape, Form and Space working together. 

Embark on a journey through line & composition, color harmony, texture, shape, form, and space, all brought to life by a diverse selection of artists & mediums.

More than just an exhibition; it's an invitation to unlock the secrets of visual language.

 Come, be a part of the creative conversation, and let the fundamental elements ignite your own artistic spark!

 Don't miss this exciting exploration of the building blocks of beauty!

@ Ground Floor Artists Gallery

 Surprise, Arizona

Thank you to the jurors and everyone at Ground Floor Artists for the tremendous honor of accepting my three artworks at your Gallery.

I am deeply humbled and grateful for this acceptance. - Nicole Martinelli



 International exhibitions

Art of the Word     Sasse Museum of Art

The Artist is both honored and humbled to receive an acceptance by the well respected prestigious Art Museum 

For The International juried Exhibition

 including Iran ,Ireland ,United States

 For the  meaningful beautiful international Juried Exhibition

Meet The Jury

Fatemeh Burnes

is an artist, educator, curator, and activist based in Los Angeles. She obtained formal and informal artistic training, received a BFA and MFA, and did additional graduate studies in art history and exhibition design. Since 1992, she has exhibited her own work nationally and internationally, curated over 100 exhibitions, and authored numerous publications.
Fatemeh’s painting and photography focus on nature and human nature by looking at modern events and tragedies, both ecological and social, and how those events manifest in contemporary life. Some of her most current work highlights environmental and identity issues, specifically in the context of her experiences as an
immigrant and as a woman.

     Maurice Quillinan,

 an acclaimed Irish artist, offers a distinctive perspective on modern Irish art through his paintings and prints. With global exhibitions representing Ireland, his pieces reside in public and private collections in 34 countries. Educated at LSAD, RCA, Ecole Nationale Superieur des Beaux-Arts, and UL, his work revolves around the variability of memory, showcased in semi-abstract narratives across diverse media. Quillinan's artistic expression extends to curating, with nearly 300 curated shows, projects, and events, including his solo exhibitions. 

                       Niamh Cunningham, a Beijing-based visual artist, explores ecological insights and collective transformation themes through her artwork. Using mixed media, photography, and paints, she introduces innovative techniques like the "Sucrose Series." Her Portraits delve into perception's nuances. She collaborated with the Institute of Process Engineering (IPE) on "Microbe Art." Light, transparency, and nature characterize her creations, such as "The Memory Palace of Tree Stories" and "Tree Planter."

Art of the Word     Sasse Museum of Art

Pomona, California


To View the Artist's Art work in The National Exhibition and Catalogue


Visit the link provided below




You can Now Experience The Art of the word and purchase,'' The Art of The Word'' official catalogue 

 Now Available on Amazon courteous of Sasse Museum of Art

To view and learn more Follow the link provided below:


 '' Art of The Word ''

The Artists featured and selected by the jurors for  this exhibition utilize their art and the  passion to communicate and express

A profound personal message through  Their art and words pertaining to or directly in each  accepted artwork in The Beautiful Exhibition,

Art of the Word

To Read the Jurors remarks in their own words on this powerful Beautiful Exhibition

Visit the Link provided Below


To learn more about   Sasse Museum of Art

Visit The Link provided Below


''Thank you,  to the Jurors Gene Sasse and Everyone at The Sasse Museum of Art for embracing, supporting, and believing in my artistic passion! I am truly grateful for my acceptance and deeply honored by it. Your contributions to the art world and to us artists are greatly appreciated. It has been an absolute honor and an incredible experience!

Thank you to  the incredible Jurors and everyone at   Sasse Museum of Art   for this extraordinary honor and opportunity, Thank you!'' - Nicole Martinelli

''In the Darkness of the Sun lifting the veil , symbolizes a challenging chapter in my life marked by health issues and other hardships. It was during this period that I rediscovered my connection to my heart and artistic passion through the introduction of a new medium: photography. Just as we encounter severe storms in our lives, which can be as tumultuous as physical storms, we realize unexpectedly that once the veil of darkness is lifted, clarity and a deeper understanding of our true purpose emerge. There is always a brighter future on the horizon and beauty waiting to be revealed after the storm.''-Nicole Martinelli

Gene Sasse was a commercial photographer for over 45 years. He produced and helped produce several dozen books on gardening and for the Sasse Museum of Art .

He has produced  over 30 books and catalogs with one or two more added each month. His photography has always been very technical and primarily photographed for marketing and advertising for 30 years . Renowned for his technical precision, he specialized in marketing and advertising photography for three decades. Notably, he captured images of President Jimmy Carter to complement the introduction  he wrote for a book he produced on the artist  and woodworker Sam Maloof.

To learn More about the Incredibly talented  Photographer Owner and founder of

Sasse Museum

  Please follow the Link Provided below


 Gallery Exhibitions

 The National Gallery exhibition

'' Embrace Your Colors''

 Mosaic Arts    Gallery    I Mosaic Arts District area

 Fairfax ,Virginia    

11.18.2023 - 12 .30 .2023

 Mosaic Arts    Gallery    I Mosaic Arts District area

 Fairfax ,Virginia

Local Fairfax News featuring

'' Embrace Your Colors'' 


The Beautiful National Exhibition will Feature Two of the Artist's photographs

''Natures Colors Collide, Full Spectrum '' and ''A sky's reflection , 'The sun will shine for you''

Let's Embrace our colors   and, experience colors through all of the Artist's eyes in the National Gallery Exhibition

''Embrace your Colors''

The Exhibition is opened Now Through the end of December

Mosaic Arts District area

 Fairfax ,Virginia

November -December 2023

''A heartfelt thank you to Mosaic Arts Gallery for truly valuing my artworks and extending such warmth kindness and appreciation!

 I appreciate your inclusion of another vital aspect,  the inspiration behind our artworks  of the artist's included in this exhibition.

Your kindness and support for your artists ,and of the art community has been deeply felt and recognized and is deeply appreciated .''-Nicole Martinelli




Additional International Juried Exhibitions

You can now view'' Fuchsia Fusions from the Earth '' Awarded the finalist award for The International juried Exhibition

''All Abstract 2023''

To learn More about the International Exhibition A Link has been provided Below



 You can also currently view the Artist's Photograph

''A sky's reflection , 'The sun will shine for you'''

In the international Exhibition, "2023"

HMVC Gallery

You can View the Exhibition in it's entirety from LIVE @   Time Square

See this beautiful  International exhibition displayed for the world to see and enjoy

You can view the Time Square unveil of the exhibition at the link provided below!

* Further helpful information, The Artist's Artwork ''A sky's reflection , 'The sun will shine for you'' can be viewed on first segment on Time Square unveil it is the second artwork on the top of the screen Enjoy the exhibition!


''A sky's reflection , 'The sun will shine for you''

Enjoy the Artist's Photograph and this beautiful vivid year end Exhibition of the Year and International Exhibition ,2023

''Thank you HMVC for this incredible gesture and all you do for the Artworld and us Artists''

 You are appreciated, Thank you HMVC Gallery -Nicole Martinelli

Congratulations to All my Fellow Artist's that helped make this a beautiful vivid year end exhibition!

The Artist Nicole Martinelli has been  extremely honored and humbled to have been accepted into

 four National Juried Gallery Group exhibitions for this fall ,winter 

 September 2023 -December 2023 

The Artist's fall- winter acceptances include both artistic mediums ,Photography and
Two Gallery acceptances For the Artist's newest Artistic medium, Hand created E-paintings 


The National NCOA Photography Award Contest Photography Exhibition At Parc Gallery Fairfax ,Virginia

The National NCOA Photography Award Contest photography exhibition will display the top 19 photos, including the People’s Choice award. The Artist was accepted for her Four photographs in the National NCOA Photography Exhibition https://celebratefairfax.org/calendar/Featuring her four photograph by the incredible Gallery Mosaic Arts Gallery for The National NCOA Photography Award Contest Celebrate Your Colors and Creativity The NCOA Photography Photography Award Contest Photography Exhibition At Parc Gallery Fairfax ,Virginia and showing suc The National NCOA Celebrate Your Colors and Creativity Photography Exhibition The Exhibition showcases the works of 10 national renowned photographers The National NCOA Photography Award Contest photography exhibition will display the top 19 photos, including the People’s Choice award. The Artist's contribution includes four photographs accepted for this beautiful National exhibition. Natures Colors Collide, Full Spectrum Travel the skies, a Trees Reflections A skies Reflection, The sun Will shine for you The Essence of Life, Water Equals life Art at The PARC Gallery Pop-up National NCOA Photography Exhibition

Mosaic Arts Gallery At Parc Gallery , Fairfax VA
Opens June 1st at 1 pm through July 31 2024

Hotel De Rougemont ,Influence Gallery Gstaad Switzerland

Hotel De Rougemont ,Influence Gallery Gstaad Switzerland The Artist is extremely honored deeply grateful and thrilled to announce her work Has been accepted by the incredible jurors For the Gallery exhibition At The prestigious and Luxurious Hotel De Rougemont Hotel & SPA Influence Gallery located in the stunning beautiful picturesque Gstaad, Switzerland. Opening 6. 8. 2024 Exhibition Opening Event will be on June 8th, 2024 from 5.00 pm. It’s an invitation only event for artists, collectors, press and other invited guests The exhibition will be open for 5 months and it will be open to public (June – November 2024) This incredible exhibition can be viewed at Hôtel de Rougemont & SPA. in Gstaad, Switzerland, through November 2024 Explore the collection of selected talented artists and artworks that have been picked by the prestigious jurors that will be displayed at the stunning and luxurious Hôtel de Rougemont & SPA Gstaad, Switzerland Influence Gallery The exhibition will be open for 5 months and it will be open to public (June – November) The opening is s an invitation only event for artists, collectors, press and other invited guests. Dress code: business casual for cocktail attire. The exhibition will be open for 5 months and it will be open to public, you can visit it any other day during the exhibition months To discover further details about the exquisite luxury hotel where the exhibition is being held, click on the link provided below. https://www.hotelderougemont.com/# To view the artist artwork and the accepted artworks selected for this extraordinary exhibition and The selected artworks for the Hotel De Rougemont and Spa 5 month exhibition are published on Their website under the “Exhibition at Hotel de Rougemont” category

Hotel De Rouge Mont and Spa, Gstaad Switerland
Opening Event will be on June 8th, 2024 from 5.00 pm. It’s an invitation only event for artists, collectors, press and other invited guests The exhibition will be open for 5 months and it will be open to public (June – November 2024) This incredible exhibition can be viewed at Hôtel de Rougemont & SPA. in Gstaad, Switzerland, through November 2024

The San Diego Museum of Art Artist Guild SDMAAG Annual National Juried Exhibition Spring 2024

The Artist is both honored humbled and grateful to receive an acceptance for her two latest artworks in this extremely prestigious International exhibition for juror Nancy Lim, Associate Curator San Francisco Museum of Modern Art Department of Painting & Sculpture for The SDMAAG Annual National Juried Exhibition Spring 2024San Diego Museum of Art Artist Guild

The San Diego Museum of Art SDMAAG
March 25 - May 2024

National Gallery Exhibition ,''WATER WORLD'' Tall Grass Arts Association

National Gallery Exhibition ,''WATER WORLD'' Tall Grass Arts Association Chicago land suburbs, Park forest, Illinois Featuring: Entranced ,Fallen in Deep thought. Located in the state where the artist was raised and began her artistic passion and her formative early years of her art career The gallery is located within the Chicago suburbs . The gallery holds an annual art fair held by the gallery that the artist attended as a child, making it a nostalgic full circle moment for her. The exhibit includes interpretations, descriptions, and views of life on, in, around, above or under water. Images range from realistic visions of secluded lake shores, powerful waterfalls, and crashing ocean waves, to peaceful pools and forest streams, and abstracted patterns of currents and reflections on water’s surfaces. While photographs play a big part in the exhibit, there are also oil and acrylic paintings, watercolors, pastels, mixed media compositions, glass sculpture and mosaics, and a large wall installation.

Tall Grass Arts Association Gallery

Reflections Now and Then

The Artist is both honored and humbled to receive an acceptance for Three of the Artist's Photographs In the National Juried Exhibition ''Reflections Now and Then " Now showing at Edge Water Gallery located In Fort Bragg . Mendocino County California

Feb 2 2024- ALL of the Month Of February

''Art of the Word '' Sasse Museum of Art

The Artist was honored and humbled to be accepted by Jurors at The well respected prestigious museum for the Juried Exhibition' Art Of the word''

Sasse Art Museum LA CA
Opens December 25

Art of the Flower, Medford Arts

Art of the Flower, Medford Arts Featuring The Artist's three Floral Artworks , Nostalgic Floral Day Dream, Fuchsia Fusions from The Earth, Natures Colors Collide Selected by Jurror Phillip Carrol whom Work is repesented by The Philadelphia Museum of Art

April 5-May 2024
Learn more about Phillip Carrol

Elements of Design Ground Floor Artist Gallery

Experience The Elements of Design Line and Composition, Color Harmony, Texture, Shape, Form and Space working together In the National gallery Exhibition ''Elements of Design" At Ground Floor Artists Galler.The Artist was honored and humbled by her acceptance at the beautiful gallery Ground Floor Artist's Gallery ,located in Surprise Arizona for the National Exhibition'' Elements of Design

Ground Floor Artist's Gallery

Embrace Your Colors

Mosaic Arts Gallery November -December 30. The Artist was honored and humbled by her acceptance at the prestigious gallery located in the Mosaic arts district at Mosaic ARTS Gallery for the National Exhibition,''Embrace your colors'' Opens November 18

Mosaic Arts Gallery
November - December


The National Gallery Exhibition, COLOR is Opened - The Artist has been accepted by juror Armando Garcia. Armando possesses a distinctive blend of poet and artist, along with a profound knowledge of art history. He is a talented artist and poet of proud Latin Colombian heritage, currently employed by the Whitney Museum. Armando is also the author of poetry collections and the acclaimed book, “The Portable Man”. of the honorable Brooklyn Waterfront Artists Coalition Gallery ,Brooklyn New York for the National Juried Exhibition'' Color "

BWAC Gallery
National Juried Exhibition'' Color ''

Untitled 3

National Gallery Exhibition , UNTITLED is Opened -The Artist has been accepted by the Jurors At the wonderful well respected Gallery Athens Arts For the National juried Exhibition, Untitled 3

Athens Arts Gallery
Untitled 3 Opened Now: Septemeber 16- November 11, 2023

The Grandeur Of Color 23

The National Gallery Exhibition, GRANDEUR OF COLOR 23 Is opened -The Artist has been accepted by the Jurors of The honorable prestigious MVA Gallery For the National Gallery Exhibition ''The Grandeur Of Color 23''

MVA Gallery
Grandeur of Color

Brooklyn collation The National Gallery Exhibition ''color"Juror :Armando Garcia Armando Garcia, The Artist was been accepted by juror Armando Garcia for inclusion in this prestigious exhibition. Armando is an artist, author and poet that possesses a distinctive blend of poetry and artistry along with a profound knowledge of art history. He is a talented artist and poet of proud Latin Colombian heritage, currently employed by the Whitney Museum

Brooklyn collation The National Gallery Exhibition Accepted Artwork: Aztec Lucid Dreams Meet the Juror :Armando Garcia Armando Garcia, The Artist was been accepted by juror Armando Garcia for inclusion in this prestigious exhibition. Armando is an artist, author and poet that possesses a distinctive blend of poetry and artistry along with a profound knowledge of art history. He is a talented artist and poet of proud Latin Colombian heritage, currently employed by the Whitney Museum. Armando is also the author of poetry collections and the acclaimed book, “The Portable Man”. Juor of the honorable Brooklyn Waterfront Artists Coalition Gallery ,Brooklyn New York for the National Juried Exhibition'' Color "

111 Sample Address
Sept 9-October 8,2023


 Gallery Exhibitions

National Gallery Exhibitions

The Artist is both honored and humbled to receive an acceptance for Three of the Artist's hand painted E painting artworks

Aztec Lucid Dreams

A Darker Shade Of Grey , Light on the Horizon

Navajo Nights ,Indigo Dreams

  For The National Gallery Juried Exhibition

''The Elements of Design''

A National Exhibition Celebrating the 7 elements of design

 Line and Composition, Color Harmony, Texture, Shape, Form and Space working together. 

Embark on a journey through line & composition, color harmony, texture, shape, form, and space, all brought to life by a diverse selection of artists & mediums.

More than just an exhibition; it's an invitation to unlock the secrets of visual language.

 Come, be a part of the creative conversation, and let the fundamental elements ignite your own artistic spark!

 Don't miss this exciting exploration of the building blocks of beauty!

Ground Floor Artists Gallery

 Surprise, Arizona



''The Elements of Design''

A National Exhibition Celebrating the 7 elements of design

 Line and Composition, Color Harmony, Texture, Shape, Form and Space working together. 

Enjoy and view The  Artist's Three Artwork's featured in this video

The video below was created and provided by the Artist and

 www.NicolesGallery. Art

We Thank you for your support, supporting the Arts and The Artist Here @

 www.NicolesGallery. Art



The artist is extremely excited honored and humbled to have been accepted by the Jurors At the honorable Brooklyn Waterfront Artists Coalition BWAC Gallery Brooklyn New York For the National Juried Exhibition '' Color "

BWAC Gallery
4:00pm - 10pm

Granduer of Color

The artist is extremely excited honored and humbled to have been accepted by the Jurors At the honorable Brooklyn Waterfront Artists Coalition BWAC Gallery Brooklyn New York For the National Juried Exhibition '' Granduer of Color "

MVA Gallery

Untitled 3

The Artist is proud happy and honored to be accepted at the wonderful Gallery Athens Arts For the National juried Exhibition Untitled 3

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet
9:00am - 12:00pm

Sample Event

This is a sample event description...

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9:00am - 12:00pm

Showing At A Gallery Near You

A  look at the inspiration Behind the Artworks In

The National Exhibition


San Diego Museum of Art Artist Guild

SDMAAG Spring Exhibition 2024

 Annual National Juried Exhibition

Spring Exhibition 2024

San Diego ,California

Begins on March 25, 2024 showing throughout the entirety of

Spring of 2024.

SDMAAG Spring Exhibition 2024


''Requiem of the Flowers''

This particular artwork embodies the death of one's former self and the acceptance of our darkest life experiences. It highlights the light and the beauty that is found within our struggles of our darkest moments and the profound gratitude developed for life. It emphasizes the importance of allowing things to unfold naturally, embracing life's beauty in our darkest life moments and challenges . All while remembering to remain patient awaiting the next stage of your life, by applying the gained wisdom from the experiences we have lived and evolving into your ''new existence''.

Your better self while connecting with one's higher self.

''Nostalgic Terrain Floral Daydream ''

Represents and embraces the essence of my original medium oil painting . Drawing inspiration from the rich soil of the terrain and foundation of my artistic roots, oil painting a and symbolizes the welcoming and acceptance of a fresh beginning.  The blossoming  of a dream, and the gradual unfolding from a vision that is coming into fruition, represented by The faint yet lavender lotus symbolizing one's dreams merging with reality, A  subtle presence unfolding before your eyes,

signifying both  growth , renewal, and representing new beginnings.

"Reflections - Now and Then"

Edge Water Gallery

Fort Bragg ,California

Mendocino County Area, California

A sky's reflection ,''The sun will shine for you''

A sky's reflection, "The sun will shine for you," is a capture of the beauty of the sunset upon the lake and a statement on the natural beauty, peace, and companionship that nature provides and offers us all! Regardless of the challenges we may face in life, whatever we may be experiencing, a sunset will always uplift and brighten our spirits. There is always an ocean ,or stream to catch your tears and a sunset to brighten your life. The sun will always shine for you!- Nicole Martinelli

Travel The sky's ,A Tree's Reflections

No matter where our travels and life may take us ,a tree will always be there, offering us wisdom, shade beauty and life. Sharing it's strength and  Resilience providing us with the absolute most beautiful gift, the beauty of life itself. -Nicole Martinelli

The tree represents life, and provides life. Tree's are sentient beings, inspiring us with their beauty and sharing their life, with the life giving breath of oxygen they provide.  Each tree embodies a unique life ,and leaves a lasting imprint and impression on lives and to our world.  The sky represents beauty and  magnificence of our vast world,  highlighting the extraordinary outer worldly beauty of the world!- Nicole Martinelli

Trees are sentient beings with diverse character traits and independent judgments just as  human being's. Leaf-shedding patterns impact survival in winter, and vary from tree to tree showing unexplained differences in character , among  the same species and age. Unlike human's and animals, Plants process information at a slower rate, Yet it this really such a negative quality? In the hustle and bustle of life, we often overlook and miss the truly valuable things life offers us . Trees, on the other hand, are able to fully embrace and appreciate life!

The Essence of Life , Water Equals life

Through my lens, I am able to freeze in time the crashing waves against a backdrop of a breathtaking sunset - a moment that is typically only stored in our minds as a memory. The Essence of Life , Water Equals life ''offers my viewers the opportunity to stand still ,and bask in the sun of our most vital natural resource, water and feel the essence of life  ,water . Water's natural beauty and it's gentle embrace while providing a constant source of comfort beauty, and serenity that water and nature provide and offers us while embodying  and providing us all with the very essence  of life itself! -Nicole Martinelli

Water is essential to all life forms,

it's vital to  preserve naturally our natural  resources and crucial, ensuring that we nurture and sustain nature as god and nature intended in it's natural form.

 Let's utilize our Earth and natures natural resources as intended .

Water is soothing physically and, mentally to both the mind, heart ,body and, soul  and is vital to life itself. Water is also soothing physically and, mentally to both the mind, heart ,body and, soul  due to both the aesthetic beauty and its calming soothing  physical nature .Refreshing and enriching and renewing all life forms.   When we take a moment to allow ourselves to '' dive'' deeper on water , water is our number one natural resource and is the very essence of life and essential for our existence. The Human body is made up of approximately 71 % water and The earth is made up of 71% water showing us the natural correlation between our earth and human life. My goal as artist is to create and express the often overlooked beauty, comfort of the fleeting moments in nature that we tend to take for granted in our busy lives .

As a photographer, my aim is to capture these fleeting moments of nature's beauty that surround us, allowing viewers to fully embrace and appreciate the tranquility and solace it provides. By doing so, I enable the viewer to wholeheartedly immerse themselves and fully embrace these beautiful breathtaking moments that nature generously offers us, allowing us to appreciate, nurture, and celebrate both nature and our earth-Nicole Martinelli

A sky's reflection ,''The sun will shine for you''

Travel The sky's ,A Tree's Reflections

The Essence of Life , Water Equals life

Now showing At the Beautiful  National Gallery Exhibition

''Reflections -Now and Then ''

 Edge Water Gallery

Fort Bragg, California

Located in the Beautiful and Scenic Northern coastal area of 

Mendocino County CA

''Elements Of Design ''

Ground floor Artists gallery

January 2, 2024- January , 27, 2024

Surprise ,Arizona

''Aztec Lucid Dreams'' ,

 Explores the profound idea and'' dream ''of Humanity uniting, much like the indigenous tribes and early civilizations of our past, to coexist in a state of absolute harmony with one another and the natural world. It speaks directly to my inner voice yearning for our society to not only acknowledge, but also embody the wisdom and way of life that these ancient cultures have long embraced. The series and this piece in particular of mine invites my viewers to reflect on our current actions and choices as a society. It serves as a powerful reminder that we are all interconnected, and that by embracing the lessons from our ancestors. a ''dream'' We can create a  better future where humanity and nature thrive harmoniously together. ''

 Aztec Lucid Dreams

can Now Be viewed In the beautiful current National Gallery exhibition

''Elements Of Design ''

Ground Floor Artists gallery

Surprise, Arizona

''A Darker Shade of Grey ,Light on the Horizon"

I capture and portray the essence of nature and our natural environment through an abstract viewpoint. This piece embodies a recurring theme in my work, stemming from the challenges I have faced in life. It juxtaposes the darkness with the light, symbolizing the emergence of the sun to illuminate and shed light on the peace, light, and the wisdom gained from our darker life experiences .

'' Navajo Nights Indigo Dreams''

Allow yourself to be feel free and be one with the earth ,and the sky tonight with ," Navajo Nights , Indigo dreams.''- Nicole Martinelli

 Upon awakening, we are struck by a profound realization that we are not only one's self but rather intricately interwoven and connected  to each other an d deeply intertwined  and one with the earth. Dreaming under the enchanting indigo skies reveals a tapestry of boundless possibilities, uniting us with nature and the earth beneath the Navajo night sky, on this Navajo night.''
You can now enjoy and View all three of the Artist's artworks

'' Navajo Nights Indigo Dreams''

''A Darker Shade of Grey ,Light on the Horizon"

''Aztec Lucid Dreams''

 Now in the National gallery Exhibition

''Elements Of Design ''



 Ground Floor Artists gallery

Surprise, Arizona
''Embrace Your Colors''

Mosaic Arts Gallery

 Mosaic Arts District area, Fairfax ,Virginia

November 18 2023  -  December 30 2023
''Natures Colors Collide ,''Full Spectrum''

Nature's colors collide in full spectrum message behind this piece is appreciating the beauty and vibrancy that nature offers to each and everyone one of our lives. I  managed to capture to simply these inner emotions and the essence of nature's Vibrant colors that collide into a beautiful collision that form "Nature's Colors Collide: Full Spectrum.'' It's vivid hues enables us to intimately witness the vibrant life of the flower and, it's blossoming colors and life that nature unveils and the natural beauty and wonder that nature provides us and our world.
Captured by the Artist, Photographer on a warm Summers day after rainfall in Fox chapel , located in western PA.
A sky's reflection ,''The sun will shine for you''

A sky's reflection, "The sun will shine for you," is a capture of the beauty of the sunset upon the lake and a statement on the natural beauty, peace, and companionship that nature provides and offers us. Regardless of the challenges we may face in life, whatever we may be experiencing, a sunset will always uplift our spirits. There is always an ocean or stream to catch your tears and a sunset to brighten your life. The sun will always shine for you!

Captured by the Artist, Photographer on the lakes surrounded by the Appalachia mountains in Morgantown WV

The Beautiful National Exhibition  features both of the Artist's photographs

''Natures Colors Collide ,''Full Spectrum''

A sky's reflection ,''The sun will shine for you''

In The National Gallery exhibition 

''Embrace Your Colors''

Embrace ''Color"' this Holiday Season with the National Gallery Exhibition

''Embrace Your Colors''

Opens 11.18.23

Mosaic Arts Gallery

 Mosaic Arts District area

 Fairfax ,Virginia

November -December 2023


Athens Arts Gallery 

''Untitled 23''

''The Essence of Life , Water Equals life''

Athens Arts Gallery  Believes it vital to to not only feed the mind with Education but to enrich the human experience with the arts . Art and music feed the heart and the soul and strengthen the very fabric of Indiana’s communities. -  Athens Arts

The National Gallery Exhibition


Indianapolis, Indiana


'' The Essence of Life , Water Equals life ''

Water holds a profound significance for me and for life itself.

It is vital to preserve nature naturally and  learn to preserve , nurture and utilize Natures gifts to humanity as it was originally indented! 

Water is  soothing physically and, mentally to both the mind, heart ,body and, soul due to both it's visual aesthetic beauty and its calming soothing  physical nature

Refreshing and enriching, renewing and enriching  all life forms, 

We can not survive without this natural life source. 

 The Human body is made up of approximately 71 % water 

 our earth is made up of 71% water

 showing us the natural correlation between our earth ,and human life.

  Through my lens, I am able to freeze in time the crashing waves against a backdrop of a breathtaking sunset - a moment that is typically only stored in our minds as a memory.

The Essence of Life , Water Equals life ''

''Through my lens, I am able to freeze in time the crashing waves against a backdrop of a breathtaking sunset - a moment that is typically only stored in our minds as a memory. The Essence of Life , Water Equals life ''offers my viewers the opportunity to stand still ,and bask in the sun of our most vital natural resource, water and feel the essence of life  ,water . Water's natural beauty and it's gentle embrace while providing a constant source of comfort beauty, and serenity that water and nature provide and offers us while embodying  and providing us all with the very essence  of life itself! ''-  Artist, Photographer- Nicole Martinelli

Stay tuned for updates and details on her upcoming Gallery exhibition

 and upcoming juried exhibitions coming soon

We Thank you for your support in supporting the Arts and The Artist @

 www.NicolesGallery. Art

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