Featuring Artist & Photographer
Nicole Martinelli
The Gallery talk Video was produced By
The View Arts and Culture Gallery
Commentary Provided by Reknown Artist Jurror: Sandy Gellis
The Juror Of Gallery National Juried Exhibition
''Ripple and Roar '' Artist, Sandy Gellis
Sandy Gellis is an Accomplished artist and sculptor based in
New York City, whose works intricately focus on the enchanting theme of water. The juror provides an in-depth analysis of Nicole Martinelli's photograph.
'' The Essence of Life Water Equals Life ''
Sandy Gellis is a highly accomplished artist and sculptor based in New York City, whose works uniquely explore the mesmerizing element of water.
Sandy Gellis work is included in the collections at The Prestigious
The Whitney Museum of American Art and The Brooklyn Museum of Art
The juror Artist, Sandy Gellis elaborates in depth on Nicole Martinelli's photograph,
The Essence Of Life Water Equals Life
Gallery National Juried Exhibition
''Ripple and Roar ''
Watch the Gallery Talk video for The National Gallery Exhibition at The View Arts and Culture Center Gallery ABOVE At the 17: 12 mark
Marble Head Arts Association Gallery
Marble Head, Massachusetts,
Marble Head Variations 23
This video offers a rare look into the jurying process inside the jurying process and A direct view of the Artist Artwork
This exhibition showcased the Artist's innovative new style, and medium ,and hand painted E paintings
Born from her health challenges, allowing her to break free from her own self-imposed Artistic boundaries.
157 pieces were selected from 800 submissions nationwide chosen by the well respected jurors
Executive Director, and Curator Griffin Museum of Photography, Winchester, Massachusetts
Curatorial Research Associate - Harvard Art Museums, Cambridge, MA
Director of Learning and Engagement Fuller Craft Museum, Brockton, MA
Experience The Artists' Artworks in gallery view from the comfort of your own home!
Both videos provided below have been created courtesy of The View Arts and Culture Center Gallery.
The commentary for the first video comes from the exhibition manager and curator of
The View Arts and Culture Gallery Featuring the artist's photograph
'The Essence of Life: Water Equals Life,''
''Ripple & Roar: The Wonder of Water''
The second video produced and shared courtesy of The View Arts and Culture Center Gallery,
can be found below in the Gallery Talk Video series for the National Gallery Exhibition, ''Ripple & Roar: The Wonder of Water.''
This video includes commentary from juror aOf the national Exhibition , ''Ripple & Roar: The Wonder of Water''
The highly regarded artist Sandy Gellis, Sandy Gellis is a highly accomplished artist and sculptor based in New York City, whose works uniquely explore the mesmerizing element of water.
Sandy Gellis work is included in the collections at The Prestigious
The Whitney Museum of American Art and The Brooklyn Museum
The juror Artist, Sandy Gellis elaborates on Nicole Martinelli's photograph,
Additionallly Listen to radio interviews, and explore published art interviews with artist Nicole Martinelli. You can tune in to the artist's radio interview on WXED and Sirius XM TPR Last DJ Broadcast, which delves into her life experiences, offering deeper insights into her journey !
Listen to both national radio interview broadcasts, and more!
All of this is available Below at on this page
Stay updated with the latest events and updates from the gallery!
National Gallery Exhibition At The View Arts and Culture Gallery ,NY
Featuring the Artist's Photograph ,''The essence of life, Water equals life''
This video features the curator and exhibition manager of The View Arts & Culture Gallery
National Gallery Exhibition
This is the second video from the gallery, discussing and featuring the artist's photograph.
The essence of life, Water equals life''
This video, features the curator and exhibition manager, Kelsey Mayo and her commentary on
'The essence of life, Water equals life''
Along with a few select talented Artists featured in the National Exhibition,'' Ripple and Roar.''
The video was produced and provided Courtesy of the Gallery
and Curator and exhibition manager
The Artist's Photograph can be viewed in the opening portion of the Gallery Video.
To view The First Video from the Gallery featuring juror of
Ripple and Roar National Exhibition New York renown Artist Sandy Gellis Gallery talk video Featuring the Artist's Photograph
''The essence of life ,''Water Equals Life ''
Kindly scroll down to the bottom of the page for the Artists' work Being disscused and the commentary provided by Reknown Artist Sandy Gellis
Both Videos were produced by The View Arts and Culture Gallery, NY.
''Fuchsia Fusions From The Earth''
This video was created by the Artist it provides an exploration of the artists hand-painted e-painting
''Fuchsia Fusions From The Earth''
Commentary provided by the Artist
From MVA Gallery
For the National Gallery exhibition
"Grandeur of Color."
Fuchsia Fusions From The Earth draws inspiration from the awareness of the symbolism existing between the life cycle of a flower,
Our individual path to self realizations through self-discovery and life itself,
The artwork encourages us to live boldly , to pursue our dreams, and embrace our full potential .
Emphasizing the beauty of our inner qualities and the growth that takes place when we follow our true path, and to blossom and thrive
while reminding ourselves of the natural ''fusion'' that binds humanity to the earth,
encouraging us to honor and respect nature and our natural our bond with nature, and appreciate the natural cycle of life
MVA Gallery
"Grandeur of color ''
Add a little color to Your life
In The National Gallery exhibition,
"Grandeur of color ''
National Gallery Exhibition
Fuchsia fusions from the Earth
MVA Gallery
To learn more watch the video that has been provided below
Natures colors collide Under The Kaleidoscope Full Spectrum
The View Arts and Culture Gallery
The Gallery talk video was produced by The View Arts and Culture Gallery featuring commentary by the curator of
The View Arts and Culture Gallery
Curator Kelsey Mayo
National Juried Gallery Exhibition
The video provided Courtesy of the Gallery and Curator and exhibition manager
*The Artist's Photograph can be viewed in the closing portion of the video provided Below
The exhibition featured both Photographs Sun Flower Fields and Natures colors collide ,Full Spectrum
This video provided by The Gallery Features The Artist's Photograph
Natures colors collide ,Full Spectrum
This Gallery talk video features the curator ,Kelsey Mayo and her commentary on
Natures colors collide ,Full Spectrum
Featured in the National Exhibition,'' FLOWERS PLANTS TREES AND ROOTS
The video provided Courtesy of the Gallery and Curator and exhibition manager
*The Artist's Photograph can be viewed in the closing portion of the Gallery Video.
Latest Video Featuring
The Artist Nicole Martinelli
Discover the latest artwork from the artist, as discussed by art critic Emily Derr
"Requiem of the Flowers."
The video explores and showcases the artist's mixed media photography and painting piece, "Requiem of the Flowers."
You can watch the clip right here Directly on this page or through the link provided below!
Art Critic Emily Derr
"Requiem of the Flowers."
National Juried Gallery Exhibition
Ripple And Roar
The View Arts and Culture Gallery
The Gallery talk video was produced by The View Arts and Culture Gallery
In The Virtual Gallery Talk Series, Ripple & Roar,
The artist was honored to receive recognition from the Accomplished Reknown New York artist and juror, Sandy Gellis,
In The Gallery's National Exhibition, Ripple and Roar
For her Photograph
Sandy Gellis is a highly accomplished artist and sculptor based in New York City, whose works uniquely explore the mesmerizing element of water.
Sandy Gellis work is included in the collections at The Prestigious
The Whitney Museum of American Art and The Brooklyn Museum
The juror Artist, Sandy Gellis elaborates on Nicole Martinelli's photograph,
Examining the profound concept that water embodies the essence of life. Alongside a select group of artists curated by the juror, their contributions are thoroughly highlighted and discussed in detail by artist and juror Sandy Gellis. Experience it at The View Arts and Culture Center Gallery Or you can Now View
The View Arts and culture center Gallery
Gallery National Exhibition
''Ripple and Roar ''
National Juried Gallery Exhibition
The Gallery Talk video created and Produced by the The View Arts and culture center Gallery Featuring
The Artist's Photograph
'' The essence of Life ,Water equals life ''
In The Virtual Gallery Talk Series You Tube Video
'' Ripple & Roar ''
National Gallery Exhibition
The juror and artist, Sandy Gellis, is an Accomplished artist and sculptor based in New York City, whose works intricately focus on the enchanting theme of water. The juror provides an in-depth analysis of Nicole Martinelli's photograph.
'' The Essence of Life Water Equals Life ''
Watch the Gallery Talk video for The National Gallery Exhibition at The View Arts and Culture Center Gallery.
"Ripple and Roar"
Featuring Artist Sandy Gellis
My sincerest Gratitude to the talented Artist and Juror Sandy Gellis
For selecting and recognizing my work and appreciating my craft and Artistic Vision .
Thank you for your beautiful commentary on my photograph
The Essence of life Water Equals Life,
you discussed in detail and shared in this video. Your impactful words were truly memorable and made a significant impression on me
I was deeply Honored ,Touched and humbled, to have my work recognized and praised by such a talented artist as yourself!
My Sincere Graditude Thank you!- Artist, Photographer Nicole Martinelli.
Watch The Reknown Artist Sandy Gellis
commentary on The The Featured the Artist's Photograph
'' The essence of Life ,Water equals life ''
Featured in the Gallery talk video Below
''Thank you to the View Gallery for recognizing and appreciating my passion and artworks and your belief in my Artistic Vision .''- Nicole Martinelli
The Artist's photograph
''The essence of life, water equals life"
This s Gallery Talk Video was Produced by The View Center for Arts and Culture Gallery.
You can View the video directly below, starting at the 17:12 minute mark.
To discover more about the accomplished artist and juror Sandy Gellis, a link has been included below.
Watch The Virtual Artist Talk -Ripple and Roar Below
Thank you for your continued support Enjoy
Nicole's Gallery. Art
Watch the video featuring The Artist's ARTWORK
''Travel the skies a Trees Reflections'' To view the Artist's Artwork at HOTEL DE ROUGEMONT HOTEL AND SPA located in the stunning beautiful picturesque
Gstaad, Switzerland. Thank you for fully appreciating,'' Travel The Skies, a Trees Reflections'', and for believing in my artistic vision, and passion! Thank you for showing your full love and apppreciation for my work by my acceptance, and by including my work in this beautiful video, along side a few of my fellow talented artists also being exhibited in this beautiful incredible exhibition! My deepest Gratitude, and Thank you to both Influence Gallery, and to Hotel DE Rougemont for this tremendous, incredible honor!''- Artist, Photographer- Nicole Martinelli
To View Travel The sky's A trees Reflection, in this incredible exhibition Click the Link provided Below!
I was happy and honored to be apart of Abrazo National Exhibition .This National Exhibition consited of culmination of talented artists talented that help make this such a beautiful show ! Check out this beautiful blog ! Enjoy A selection of Artist's Artworks and inspiartions behind their art from the Beautiful National exhibition, 'Abrazo''. The Artist's Photograph is the closer of the insighful blog. The Blog gives the viewers the opportunity and insight behind few selected Artworks of this beautiful exhibition and an inside look behind the Artist's inspiration of the Photograph and capture.
To view the blog post for this beautiful impactful National exhibition click the link provided below!
In this broadcast, The Artist Nicole Martinelli, gives listeners an insider look at her life, her struggles with health issues and other difficult circumstances she endured and survived with grace. She shares the songs that allowed her to endure and survive these difficult circumstances, and assisted her in becoming the Woman and Artist she is today.
Thank you to Sirius XM's Tom petty Radio. Being last Dj was an incredible experience and memorable moment in my life. It was an absolute honor to be featured as Tom Petty Radio's last DJ ! I Thank you for making this dream come true and opportunity possible ! Artist -Nicole Martinelli
*This is a recorded version of the original broadcast
This Broadcast originally aired Nationally through the July 4th Holiday weekend in 2021
View the Artist's latest artwork, discussed by art Critic Emily Derr discussing and feauring the artist's mixed media photography, e painting piece,
''Requiem of the Flowers''
You can view the clip located here on this page and at the link provided below!
Artist close up Publication Magazine and Blog
Magazine Article Featuring the Artist The artists interview with the Magaizine gives an in depth look in to the artists artistic influences, inspirations, influences behind her work and updates on recent Gallery exhibitions as well as selected artworks by the Artist from the publication
To Read the full released article featuring the Artist, Nicole Martinelli, Click the link provided below
This Newcast featured in The St Louis suburbs Of Webster MO , Features The Artist's artwork that was selected by the jurors for rhe Ntaional exhibition At Websters Gallery MO In 2022 . The Video Features the Artist;s Artwiork In the Darkness of the Sun, Lifting the Veil .
The National Exhibition features 50 different works of art from around the United States. As there were no restrictions on the pieces that could be submitted, this juried show is a menagerie of diverse mediums and ideas. This is also the first exhibit on show within Webster Arts' new gallery space on Summit Avenue, in the heart of Webster Groves, MO.
The Contemporary Art Gallery
April, 23, 2022
Featured Nicole Martinelli's Photograph
Under Haunting Skies (Awaiting the Sun’s Arrival) As a part of the Gallery's Promotional Blog ,''The Imapct of Art in the Home
Artist Radio Interview
The artist Nicole Martinelli was interviewed at the radio station wxed fm The artists interview with the station gives an in depth look in to the artists artistic influences, inspirations , and more
I would like to personally Thank the listeners and the station for having me!
A special thank you to the extremely kind host, Mary ann Shaner for inviting me to speak with her and the listeners.Thank you to everyone at wxed fmfor making this opportunity possible!
The artist's interview can be heard at following link provided below
Events &Gallery Exhibition Photos
Nicole Martinelli is an international award winning artist and photographer that has been featured in prominent galleries throughout the United States and Europe.'' There is always an ocean and stream to catch your tears and a sunset to brighten your life. ''-Artist, Photographer- Nicole Martinelli
All Rights Reserved | Nicoles Gallery