Hand Painted E-paintings
Nicole Martinelli's
Hand Painted E Paintings are created by Hand With Stylus While using Her stylus as Her Paint Brush and her touch screen laptop as her canvas.
The Artist unveiled her innovative new art form with the painting "Navjo Nights Indigo Dreams," which gained her immediate acceptance into the prestigious Marblehead Arts Gallery as part of the Variations 2023 exhibition, out of 800 submissions. Soon after, in June 2023, she earned a third place award for her E-painting. She recently achieved another third place international award in July 2023 at a Juried International Abstract Exhibition located in Geneva, Switzerland, for her hand-created E-painting titled "Aztec Lucid Dreams." "Aztec Lucid Dreams" achieved third place in an International Juried Abstract Exhibition based in Geneva, Switzerland.
Later, in November 2023, the same piece was accepted by the Brooklyn Waterfront Artist Coalition Gallery (BWAC) in Brooklyn, New York, by juror and poet Armando Garcia. More recently, in Spring 2024, her artworks "Requiem of the Flowers" and "Nostalgic Terrain Floral Daydream" were chosen for the prestigious San Diego Museum Artist Guild (SDMAAG) Spring Exhibition in San Diego, California. This selection was made by the distinguished juror who holds the position of Associate Curator at the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art for inclusion in this prestigious exhibition.
Nicole Martinelli's E paintings have been accepted and displayed in the prestigious galleries such as The Brooklyn waterfront Artist Coalition Gallery , Brooklyn NY ,Marble Head Arts Association ,Marble head, MA Old Walls, ABQ New Mexico , Ground Floor Artist Gallery Surprise AZ , MVA Gallery ,Bethlehem PA San Diego Museum of Arts, Artist Guild , San Diego CA .
Nicole's Gallery. Art
Presents The Latest E- Paintings From The Artist
Nicole's Gallery. Art
Nostalgic Terrain Floral Daydream
'' Nostalgic Terrain Floral Daydream Represents and embraces the essence of my original medium oil painting . Drawing inspiration from the rich soil of the terrain and foundation of my artistic roots, oil painting a and symbolizes the welcoming and acceptance of a fresh beginning. The blossoming of a dream, and the gradual unfolding from a vision that is coming into fruition.
Represented by The faint yet lavender lotus symbolizing one's dreams merging with reality,
A subtle presence unfolding before your eyes,
signifying growth , renewal and representing new beginnings.'' - Artist Nicole Martinelli
Stay tuned for new E Paintings From The Artist Coming Soon the end of the summer and through The Fall of 2024
Thank you for your continued support of the Arts and The Artist here At
Nicole's Gallery. Art
The Artist's Hand Created E-paintings are a new groundbreaking artistic medium that was created by Nicole Martinelli. The Artist first embarked on her journey of creating artworks with her new innovative art form, in the spring of 2023. Her hand painted E-Paintings recieved immediate recognition by numerous galleries through out the United States and, has also received her international recognition and success .
The Artist won third place in an international juried exhibition for the her hand painted E Painting artwork,'' Aztec Lucid Dreams''
''As an E-painter I am essentially incorporating my previous painting skills as an oil painter with my technical knowledge acquired from Digital Photography. I create my E-Paintings organically from my mind while using my stylus as my brush and , my touch screen laptop as if it were my Canvas.
As an artist I believe in advancing with the current times and using this technology to my advantage. I do not believe however in being used by the technology.
Having a hands on approach every step of the creative process is essential to myself as an artist. I see technology and this new artistic medium as a new exciting creative opportunity . There is a freeing feeling while exploring this new artistic avenue.
Due to the barriers already being broken out of my comfort zone, from my original artistic medium oil painting to Photography , It pushed me creatively to finally be able to take the plunge and leave my artistic comfort zone . I feel freer as an artist with this newer artistic form I created ,There are no longer constraints or boundaries imposed upon me and I feel free .The potential I feel artistically for this medium is limitless. A lot changes have taken place within me due to all I have experienced within my life and I have been emotionally driven to stretch my mind and my artistic abilities beyond my early conventional style of art and dive into a new innovative styles of abstracts. While exploring the deeper underlying connections between nature and humanity . I portray these connections often using very intense colors, or painting earthy patterns, shapes, and abstract forms of of nature and our natural resources . Always reminding my viewers of the correlation and relationship between life, nature and humanity and the vital source of comfort and life that nature provides us while bringing awareness to the beauty and the importance of nature and our earth and it's vitality to our existence .
''During these ever changing times and world we are currently living in, One thing that never changes is the solitude, comfort, beauty and vital resources nature offers us all.'' ''There is always an ocean or stream to catch your tears and a sunset to brighten your life.''- Nicole Martinelli
Watch The Artist's Art work Discussed and Critiqued by Art Collector Emily Derr
Experience the video showcasing the artist's Art work
"Requiem of the Flowers''
Exhibited inThe National Gallery exhibition Black, White, and Shades of Grey & The San Diego Museum of Art Artist Guild Spring 2024 National Exhibition.
To Experience "Requiem of the Flowers,'watch the Video provided Below\https://youtu.be/R5Lu__DvApI?si=2JCs_wkYFZMPiOI-
Mixed Media ,E painting Blend of Photography and hand painted E painting ''Requiem Of Flowers '' accepted by jurors at the San Diego Museum of Art Artist Guild San Diego ,California
SDMAAG Spring Exhibition 2024
Annual National Juried Exhibition Spring Exhibition 2024
SDMAAG Spring Exhibition 2024 ''Requiem of The Flowers''
Also accepted by Jurors fo the
Stamford Arts Gallery, Stamford Connecticut National Exhibition, BLACK, WHITE AND SHADES OF GRAY AWARDED the Gold winner by the jurors for the May 2024 Exhibition, Invitational #9 juried exhibition. ''Requiem Of Flowers ''
'' This particular artwork embodies the death of one's former self and the acceptance of our darkest life experiences. It highlights the light and the beauty that is found within our struggles of our darkest moments and the profound gratitude developed for life. It emphasizes the importance of allowing things to unfold naturally, embracing life's beauty in our darkest life moments and challenges . All while remembering to remain patient awaiting the next stage of your life, by applying the gained wisdom from the experiences we have lived and evolving into your ''new existence''. Your better self while connecting with one's higher self. -Artist, Photographer Nicole Martinelli
Mixed Media
Hnad painted E painted ,and Digital Pahotography
A DARKER SHADE OF GREY, LIGHT ON THE HORIZON @ elements of design exhibition
Epainting and Mixed media
Blend of Photography and hand painted E painting
Exhibited and selected by Jurors for the National Gallery exhibition, Elements of Design, Surprise Arizona.
Hand painted painting with stylus by Artist E Painting ;
digital aspect Lighting added
Navajo Nights Indigo Dreams Was accepted By reknown Jurors for the National Gallery Exhibition ,Variations 2023 Anual juried Exhibition .At The Prestigious Gallery, Marble Head Arts Association Gallery ,Marble Head ,MA
Navajo Nights Indigo Dreams At Marble Head Arts Association Gallery Exhibition, Variations 23
Floral Excursion
Hand painted painting E Painting with stylus by Artist digital aspect added for visual depth
Fuchsia Fusions From The Earth@ MVA Gallery ,Grandeur of Color Exhibition
Hand painting E Painting
Fuchsia Fusions From The Earth was selcted by Jurors and can be currently Viewed in The National Juried Exhibition ,The Grandeur Of Color ,at the prestigious MVA Gallery ,Bethlehem, PA
Fuchsia Fusions From The Earth
Fuchsia Fusions From The Earth, was inspired by the deep realization of the parallels and symbolism between the life cycle of a flower, our life cycle and personal journey towards self-discovery. Encouraging for us all to embrace our freedom to bravely pursue our dreams by unlocking our full potential through life's lessons and personal growth While highlighting upon the beauty of our natural inner beauty and the ''wild'' growth that naturally occurs just as in nature when we align with our true path in life. Urging us all to bloom authentically and vibrantly as our best selves! While recognizing the natural '' fusion '' that connects us all with with our earth and honoring our bond with nature and the earth as nature naturally intended humanity to live .
Aztec Lucid Dreams ''COLOR", National Exhibition at Brooklyn Waterfront Artists Coalition Gallery, New York
Hand painting E Painting
Aztec Lucid dreams was selected by Juror Armando Garcia of Whitney Art Museum and exhibited Brooklyn Waterfront Artists Coalition Gallery. Aztec Lucid Dreams was also selected as the Third Place winner for The International Juried Exhibition ''Abstract 2023'', located in Geneva Switzerland.
Aztec Lucid Dreams
''The grains of sand beneath our feet and the mesmerizing constellations above captivated
my imaginations in a vivid and captivating Aztec Dreamscape in Aztec Lucid Dreams'' -Nicole Martinelli
This piece further explores the profound idea of Humanity uniting, much like the indigenous tribes of our past, to coexist in a state of absolute harmony with one another and the natural world using the colors patterns and feelings behind this message. It speaks directly to my inner yearning for our entire society to not only acknowledge, but also embody the wisdom and way of life that these ancient cultures have long embraced.
urging us to adopt a more sustainable and balanced approach to our existence.
It serves as a powerful reminder that we are all interconnected, and that by embracing the lessons from our ancestors,
we can create a future where humanity nature thrive harmoniously together naturally as and nature inteded -Nicole Martinelli
Mixed Media ,E painting Blend of Photography and hand painted E painting Archival Print On Exhibit Mount Metal
Hand painted E painting with Stylus and digital photography aspects
Hand painted painting with stylus, digitally manipulated
Hand Painted E painting , Digital Photography
Photography and hand painted E painting Mixed Media Archival print
'' The Crimson Flower Revival, with its vivid colors and abundance of petals and the many petals we have turn through out our life and existence, stands as a symbol of hope. Black symbolizing dark life circumstances, red symbolizing the strength and vibrancy we often have to find inside to to continue to shine and remain, and rise above the darkness and circumstance's. In Crimson Flower Revival ,It is The Flowers that stand out and stand tall, and not the darkness. Nature often mirrors the human condition, and the growth and strength of the human spirit and reminds us of our own paths of growth, and recovery, motivating us to welcome and appreciate nature's beauty, and renewal and the innate power and ability to rise above that lies within us all- Artist, Photographer Nicole Martinelli
Hand painted E painting with Stylus by Artist
Selected By Curator Nancy Lim in San Diego Museum of Art Artist Guild Spring 2024 Juried Exhibition
Hand painting E Painting
Floral Corridors THRIVE The Colors That You Shine, represents a garden ,Your life is your personal garden and the corridors depicted in my painting is the passage between your healing and the entering of a new stage of lifeThe corridors in my painting exemplify the pathway between healing The colors illustrate the joy and happiness that awaits at the end of the tunnel, through the journey of healing. The circular motions in the artwork reflect the natural relationship between the earth and the harmonious nature between nature and humanity, highlighting our deep inner connectivity between nature and mankind.
The National Gallery Exhibition ,Flower Fractals at OWG Gallery, ABQ , New Mexico.
Watch The Artist's Art work Discussed and Critiqued by Art Collector Emily Derr
Experience the video showcasing the artist's Art work
"Requiem of the Flowers''
Exhibited inThe National Gallery exhibition Black, White, and Shades of Grey & The San Diego Museum of Art Artist Guild Spring 2024 National Exhibition.
To Experience "Requiem of the Flowers,'watch the Video provided Below\https://youtu.be/R5Lu__DvApI?si=2JCs_wkYFZMPiOI-
Mixed Media ,E painting Blend of Photography and hand painted E painting ''Requiem Of Flowers '' accepted by jurors at the San Diego Museum of Art Artist Guild San Diego ,California
SDMAAG Spring Exhibition 2024
Annual National Juried Exhibition Spring Exhibition 2024
SDMAAG Spring Exhibition 2024 ''Requiem of The Flowers''
Also accepted by Jurors fo the
Stamford Arts Gallery, Stamford Connecticut National Exhibition, BLACK, WHITE AND SHADES OF GRAY AWARDED the Gold winner by the jurors for the May 2024 Exhibition, Invitational #9 juried exhibition. ''Requiem Of Flowers ''
'' This particular artwork embodies the death of one's former self and the acceptance of our darkest life experiences. It highlights the light and the beauty that is found within our struggles of our darkest moments and the profound gratitude developed for life. It emphasizes the importance of allowing things to unfold naturally, embracing life's beauty in our darkest life moments and challenges . All while remembering to remain patient awaiting the next stage of your life, by applying the gained wisdom from the experiences we have lived and evolving into your ''new existence''. Your better self while connecting with one's higher self. -Artist, Photographer Nicole Martinelli
Hand painting E Painting
Fuchsia Fusions From The Earth was selcted by Jurors and can be currently Viewed in The National Juried Exhibition ,The Grandeur Of Color ,at the prestigious MVA Gallery ,Bethlehem, PA
Fuchsia Fusions From The Earth
Fuchsia Fusions From The Earth, was inspired by the deep realization of the parallels and symbolism between the life cycle of a flower, our life cycle and personal journey towards self-discovery. Encouraging for us all to embrace our freedom to bravely pursue our dreams by unlocking our full potential through life's lessons and personal growth While highlighting upon the beauty of our natural inner beauty and the ''wild'' growth that naturally occurs just as in nature when we align with our true path in life. Urging us all to bloom authentically and vibrantly as our best selves! While recognizing the natural '' fusion '' that connects us all with with our earth and honoring our bond with nature and the earth as nature naturally intended humanity to live .
Photography and hand painted E painting Mixed Media Archival print
'' The Crimson Flower Revival, with its vivid colors and abundance of petals and the many petals we have turn through out our life and existence, stands as a symbol of hope. Black symbolizing dark life circumstances, red symbolizing the strength and vibrancy we often have to find inside to to continue to shine and remain, and rise above the darkness and circumstance's. In Crimson Flower Revival ,It is The Flowers that stand out and stand tall, and not the darkness. Nature often mirrors the human condition, and the growth and strength of the human spirit and reminds us of our own paths of growth, and recovery, motivating us to welcome and appreciate nature's beauty, and renewal and the innate power and ability to rise above that lies within us all- Artist, Photographer Nicole Martinelli
Hand painting E Painting with stylus by Artist
Hand painting E Painting
Aztec Lucid dreams was selected by Juror Armando Garcia of Whitney Art Museum and exhibited Brooklyn Waterfront Artists Coalition Gallery. Aztec Lucid Dreams was also selected as the Third Place winner for The International Juried Exhibition ''Abstract 2023'', located in Geneva Switzerland.
Aztec Lucid Dreams
''The grains of sand beneath our feet and the mesmerizing constellations above captivated
my imaginations in a vivid and captivating Aztec Dreamscape in Aztec Lucid Dreams'' -Nicole Martinelli
This piece further explores the profound idea of Humanity uniting, much like the indigenous tribes of our past, to coexist in a state of absolute harmony with one another and the natural world using the colors patterns and feelings behind this message. It speaks directly to my inner yearning for our entire society to not only acknowledge, but also embody the wisdom and way of life that these ancient cultures have long embraced.
urging us to adopt a more sustainable and balanced approach to our existence.
It serves as a powerful reminder that we are all interconnected, and that by embracing the lessons from our ancestors,
we can create a future where humanity nature thrive harmoniously together naturally as and nature inteded -Nicole Martinelli
Aztec Lucid Dreams ''COLOR", National Exhibition at Brooklyn Waterfront Artists Coalition Gallery, New York
Epainting and Mixed media
Blend of Photography and hand painted E painting
Exhibited and selected by Jurors for the National Gallery exhibition, Elements of Design, Surprise Arizona.
Mixed Media
Hnad painted E painted ,and Digital Pahotography
A DARKER SHADE OF GREY, LIGHT ON THE HORIZON @ elements of design exhibition
Navajo Nights Indigo Dreams At Marble Head Arts Association Gallery Exhibition, Variations 23
Hand painted painting with stylus by Artist E Painting ;
digital aspect Lighting added
Navajo Nights Indigo Dreams Was accepted By reknown Jurors for the National Gallery Exhibition ,Variations 2023 Anual juried Exhibition .At The Prestigious Gallery, Marble Head Arts Association Gallery ,Marble Head ,MA
Hand painted painting with stylus by Artist, digitally manipulated
Hand painted E painting with Stylus and digital photography aspects
Hand painted E painting with Stylus by Artist
Selected By Curator Nancy Lim in San Diego Museum of Art Artist Guild Spring 2024 Juried Exhibition
Floral Excursion
Hand painted painting E Painting with stylus by Artist digital aspect added for visual depth
Hand painting E Painting
Floral Corridors THRIVE The Colors That You Shine, represents a garden ,Your life is your personal garden and the corridors depicted in my painting is the passage between your healing and the entering of a new stage of lifeThe corridors in my painting exemplify the pathway between healing The colors illustrate the joy and happiness that awaits at the end of the tunnel, through the journey of healing. The circular motions in the artwork reflect the natural relationship between the earth and the harmonious nature between nature and humanity, highlighting our deep inner connectivity between nature and mankind.
The National Gallery Exhibition ,Flower Fractals at OWG Gallery, ABQ , New Mexico.
Nicole Martinelli is an international award winning artist and photographer that has been featured in prominent galleries throughout the United States and Europe.'' There is always an ocean and stream to catch your tears and a sunset to brighten your life. ''-Artist, Photographer- Nicole Martinelli
All Rights Reserved | Nicoles Gallery